Beyond Design

Rekanegara Series #12: Beyond Design
Connecting the dots @REEDWORKS

Series #12 of this Knowledge Sharing Series 20/21 will scan the delicate practice in the business of design.

Can empathy & ethics be ingrained in the business of design?
Jack of ALL trades and yet MASTER of ONE?
Should the business of design go beyond aesthetics?


RAPHIL RAHMAN, Chief Content and Strategic Officer
Raphil has worked for blue-chip MNC and GLCs before establishing REED, a brand, marketing and visual communication consultancy in 2012 with a focus on storytelling i.e. the telling of compelling stories.

Raphil gets his most joy working with young upcoming talent—nurturing, guiding and coaching them with a focus on strategic thinking creative professionals regardless of whether the base discipline is storytelling, design, writing, planning, production no matter whether your vocation was design, communication, engineering, law or entrepreneurship.

The work is centred around three key principles – be of service, always add value and constantly come from a place of solutions.

He is also founder of the AGNET – a network of local specialist agencies in the marketing, communication and design industry; generating more opportunities for partners through networking and cross marketing.

Raphil is also the founder of The Mosaic Initiative—an impact driven initiative that is intended to increase the awareness of largely artisanal-based local urban brands. The Mosaic Initiative aspires to be a platform from which a thriving and collaborative creative artisanal community propers. Mosaic is one way of getting the word out that Malaysian home grown brands definitely have their place in our ever evolving urban lifestyle.

rekanegara would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to our distinguished guest speaker Raphil Rahman for his generosity in sharing his vast knowledge and invaluable experience.

As difficult as it is, change is going to happen for the betterment of the community. We should be the change rather than change forced upon us.” – Raphil Rahman

People fear change due to not knowing what the change will bring. Most people are terrified of the uncertainty of change. But Raphil Rahman believes that in order to sustain, we should feel the fear but do it anyway.

“Technicality is something that can be learned later. Good attitude is important.”

A good attitude is a reflection of who we really are. When presented with difficulties, our attitude will help us spot the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity.

On behalf of rekanegara, we extend our gratitude to Mr. Raphil Rahman for the valuable knowledge sharing session, REED Works; our venue sponsor, HeyMasta for assisting us with our live feed, Edi Adza for the music intro and our moderator Dr Russ for keeping this session engaging for all also not forgetting, fellow rekanegarawans and rekanegarawatis for their time and contributions towards making this session happen.

Formula kerja yang dipegang En Raphil Rahman iaitu ‘niat + mekanisme = hasil’ dijadikan sebagai rumah api yang memandu hala tuju kerjaya serta salah satu faktor penting yang menentukan keberhasilan sesuatu usaha yang dilakukannya. Beliau percaya bahawa setiap pekerjaan yang disertakan dengan tujuan yang murni pasti akan membuahkan hasil yang dapat dituai untuk suatu tempoh yang panjang. Oleh itu seni reka harus mempunyai intensi dan reka bentuk grafik ialah seni dalam bentuk komunikasi visual yang mempunyai misi untuk bertindak sebagai solusi kreatif kepada permasalahan komuniti. 

Ini mengingatkan saya kepada kata-kata pereka grafik tersohor iaitu Milton Glaser, “Saya pergi bekerja setiap pagi dengan kemungkinan saya dapat belajar sesuatu yang belum saya ketahui … Anda harus melihat setiap masalah dan berfikir, ‘apa yang dapat saya pelajari dengan melakukan ini?’ Dan jika anda fikir anda tidak dapat belajar apa-apa, lupakan sahaja.”

Seperti kehidupan yang memerlukan tujuan, begitulah juga bidang seni reka. Ianya suatu proses pembelajaran yang tidak harus terkongkong dalam satu ruang lingkup semata-mata kerana kita hendaklah membebaskan diri dari kotak pemikiran yang dogmatik jika mahu terus belajar. 

Tentu sahaja dalam kehidupan ini, tiada kejayaan yang dapat dicapai dengan mudah dan kita akan sentiasa berhadapan dengan pelbagai ujian. Akan tetapi semua ujian itu akan dapat dihadapi dengan tenang jika kita melihatnya sebagai satu fasa metamorfosis bagi mempersiapkan diri untuk perjalanan yang lebih jauh. Kerana, setiap perubahan akan sentiasa menuntut pengorbanan. 

Hasil tulisan penilaian oleh:

Azielahaneem Idris
Ahli Bersekutu, rekanegara


To empower the creative community with proper industry knowledge, support & guidance to help spur our creative economy.

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